Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cassidy's "cohwonation"

Lately she talks about her coronation! And she tells each of us we are invited. She also will tell me when we are at the store 'I want that for my coronation Mom!' And she wants pink cups of milk as of this morning. At Jeanette Bundy's 60th birthday party last Friday, Cassidy sat and chatted with Jackie Duggar all about her 'cohwonation' it was like she was a mini adult discussing something very important and exciting!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Bosnia here we come!!

After spending the week looking at tickets ... WE DID IT! We bought tickets for the family to travel to Bosnia for 2 weeks this summer!! AHHHHHH! We are excited beyond our wildest dreams! We decided we are done trying to figure out childcare - this is our kids' childhood and we want it to rock! We want to give them unbelievable and cherished memories! We are taking them to a place of the world that is near as home to our hearts. We are crazy excited and so are the kids! What a blessing our investments have provided a way for us to go without spending any of our paycheck or savings! SO MANY BLESSINGS!! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ward Temple Night

Mommy & Daddy had a very special experience at the Albuquerque Temple tonight! So grateful Sterling Lovesee could come babysit for us.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Oh Jessa!

Thanks to Daddy I ran Riley & Reese (& Wes) to school while the little ladies stayed in bed asleep! Jessa & Cassidy were still sleeping, or so we thought, when Daddy and I were kneeling down to pray together before he took off for work. We heard a bounding 'AAAAAHHHH YEAH-YA!' coming down the hall. Cute Jessa had her arms up in the air ready for a bang-a-rang day! I need to start my days like this!! Thanks J : >

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Joy School!

Thanks to our practice last night at FHE, Jessa had a great moment standing up for Cassidy today! I taught Joy School today, and when the kids were being unkind/impatient to Cassidy, Jessa walked over and told them 'hey be nice to my sister!'

Cassidy was hilarious today - running around scaring us with her teeth! And then she came over to 'bite' me! We were all belly laughing! Love your spunk & goofiness Cass - you are always cracking us all up!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Last day of break!

So glad we didn't have to rush back to school today! We've been staying up so late though I don't know how we'll go back to school tomorrow.

We planned to swim with the Volkemans today in Placitas - but they had to reschedule. It was extra disappointing for the kids - the girls were already all in their swimsuits! But we had a relaxing delightful day at home together! The girls played beauty shop - and after a few games of Ticket to Ride Riley won! And I played my hardest! Reese also worked hard on a lemonade stand (inspired by Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink). She made a sign that read 'lemoeonadbfor seil it cost oun pene the lemoeonad is sogood.' she also worked on her recipe - we blended blueberries to add to the lemonade, but she tasted it and decided it needed just a little sugar. She was absolutely darling and in her usual way worked out all the little details of her plan. Her planning really began yesterday. Love these kiddos so much i am dreading sending them back to school tomorrow!

When Daddy came home he showed us that a package was on our doorstep! Can you see the excitement? A box from Charlie & Annie chalk full of treats, sugar and more treats!
We had a great FHE tonight - we are working on clearing our place on our own this week, and Riley chose our ponderize scripture: __________.
Dad is a genius and had us play 'Spiritual-ality' where we gave each child a situation to come into and figure out how to act. Mom & Dad were the actors. Riley stood up for Reese on the bus, Reese stood up to friends who were talking mean about another friend, and Jessa stood up for Cassidy when Wyatt took Cassidy's toy. Not only that but Jessa also found a good solution - she gave Wyatt a different toy. So proud of these kiddos of ours! We've got the best!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Fast Sunday

Daddy ended up getting called into work last night and got home at 2:30 this morning. I left for ward council at 6:45am - and when I got home everyone was just waking up! It was a mad dash off to Church! And it's Riley's first fast Sunday after baptism; with no pressure he decided he wanted to fast with us! He fasted all morning through Church - which was harder than usual because I brought crackers for the girls which I rarely do but no one had breakfast! Before Church Reese said she wanted to fast too. For G-Nana. So sweet! But when the crackers came out she couldn't resist. Never again - crackers are so messy. I rarely buy those too!

I took Cass to the bathroom during sacrament meeting, and on our way back in she was upset when I tried to open the chapel door for her. Let me do it! she snarled. She even told me 'Go away mom. Let me do it.' It was so loud I was sure the congregation must have heard! It got me thinking about what a beautiful year it has been for our family! 4 siblings got sealed in the Temple, and of course the crowing event for us was Riley's baptism! So many blessings. So many things to be grateful for. The covenant path is not a bunch of separate events - it is the path that leads us back to our Father in Heaven. And Riley just started with his first saving ordinance on his path back.

We made it though Church and enjoyed a long afternoon together!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

We were so sad knowing we had to say goodbye to Grandma & Grandpa today. Reese and Grandma did fancy nancy foot soaks! And the girls couldn't leave Grandpa alone while he and Riley were trying to play Harry Potter Clue. It was sad to say goodbye this afternoon - sure love my parents! We stopped and got gas on the way home, and I saw a mother and daughter walking through the parking lot, laughing with their arms around each other, and I lost it again. It'll be awhile til I get to see my Mom again. tear.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

It was so great to still have Grandma & Grandpa Keepman visiting! We hit up old town Albuquerque - can't believe we've been going to Santa Fe for this kind of feel and it's been closer all this time!

The kids, Dad & Grandma & Grandpa had a great game of tag going on the elevated stage/gazebo, and we ate at Los Cuates.

Date Night for Mom & Dad while the kiddos played with Grandma & Grandpa! We headed up the tram to cross country ski! It was beautiful & amazing up there! We found and claimed a gorgeous star - named Capella we discovered - and worked and sweat, then took a break on our backs, skis in the air, feeling so grateful to be where we are! We love Albuquerque, our darling children are growing and are so much fun!