Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cassidy's "cohwonation"

Lately she talks about her coronation! And she tells each of us we are invited. She also will tell me when we are at the store 'I want that for my coronation Mom!' And she wants pink cups of milk as of this morning. At Jeanette Bundy's 60th birthday party last Friday, Cassidy sat and chatted with Jackie Duggar all about her 'cohwonation' it was like she was a mini adult discussing something very important and exciting!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Bosnia here we come!!

After spending the week looking at tickets ... WE DID IT! We bought tickets for the family to travel to Bosnia for 2 weeks this summer!! AHHHHHH! We are excited beyond our wildest dreams! We decided we are done trying to figure out childcare - this is our kids' childhood and we want it to rock! We want to give them unbelievable and cherished memories! We are taking them to a place of the world that is near as home to our hearts. We are crazy excited and so are the kids! What a blessing our investments have provided a way for us to go without spending any of our paycheck or savings! SO MANY BLESSINGS!! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ward Temple Night

Mommy & Daddy had a very special experience at the Albuquerque Temple tonight! So grateful Sterling Lovesee could come babysit for us.